GCG Associate Director to present at the BGA ECG MOGE Discussion Series Session 4

We are delighted to announce that GCG’s Associate Director, Dr Phil Smith, will present in Session 4 of the British Geotechnical Association Early Career Group (BGA ECG) MOGE Discussion Series.

The event, titled: Ground and Preliminary Investigation, is being held at Arup, 80 Charlotte Street, on Tuesday, 4th June 2024.

Event Information:

We are thrilled to announce that this session will feature esteemed speakers Dr Michael De Freitas and Dr Phil Smith. They will lead an enlightening discussion on the ‘Ground and Preliminary Investigations’ sharing their invaluable insights and experiences. The session will include an overview of selected MOGE chapters – including, Chapter 13: The ground profile and its genesis, Chapter 43: Preliminary studies and Chapter 50: Geotechnical reporting. This will be followed by an interactive discussion led by the BGA ECG representative Sam Taylor.

GCG is proud to be a Gold Sponsor for the BGA ECG MOGE Discussion Series.

To find out more about the event and to register, visit:
