GCG Senior Engineer, Dr Tiago Dias, joins the British Tunnelling Society Young Members (BTSYM) Committee
We are pleased to share that our Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Dr Tiago Dias, has joined the BTSYM Committee as its British Geotechnical Association (BGA) representative.
The BTSYM represents a vibrant community of early career professionals in field of tunnel engineering in the UK. Its committee organises and provides opportunities for professional and technical support, networking, and knowledge sharing.
Tiago has been with us since 2020, having previously undertaken research on developing methods for assessing the effect of tunnelling on pile foundations, and understanding various mechanisms surrounding TBM excavations in soft ground and large-diameter shafts.
For more information about the BTSYM and how it supports young tunnel engineers, please visit: https://britishtunnelling.com/btsym/bts-young-members.