GCG Announces Platinum Sponsorship of NUMGE 2023
GCG is proud to be a platinum sponsor of the 10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE 2023), which will be held at Imperial College London, from 26 – 28 June 2023.
NUMGE 2023 will provide a forum for academics, researchers and engineering practitioners to meet and discuss the current state-of-the-art in numerical methods in Geotechnical Engineering and highlight current challenges faced in their application to geotechnical problems. In particular, NUMGE 2023 will deliver an opportunity to anticipate, conceive and discuss future developments in this dynamic and ever-evolving field of knowledge.
We are delighted that two of our colleagues will be presenting at the conference:
- Dr Angeliki Grammatikopoulou, Senior Partner – will be presenting a theme lecture at the conference, titled: “On the application of constitutive models with an emphasis on offshore engineering problems”.
- Dr Benjamin Guo, Geotechnical Engineer – will be presenting a paper titled: “Numerical modelling of tides in an embankment lifecycle analysis”.
Numerical analysis is a key aspect of GCG’s services, and through close collaboration with the research group at Imperial College London, as well as other leading academic institutions, it has enabled us to apply the latest advances in research and use cutting edge numerical tools in our project work, to deliver excellent results for our clients. We are therefore proud to support this important event and are looking forward to catching up with industry friends and colleagues attending.
To find out more about the conference, visit: